If your kid is heading off to college this fall, itâ's important that they are prepared for everything that comes their way. The best way to make sure that your college student stays safe is by making sure they have the right insurance protections in place. From health to renters to auto insurance in Oakland California, these are the coverages that your college student should have. Health Insurance Nowadays, almost every college and university requires their students to carry health insurance coverage. Many schools offer students the ability to join a school health insurance plan. These plans are usually a pretty affordable way to get your students the medical services that they need. However, if you would like to keep your child on your own insurance plan, make sure you speak to your insurance provider and your childâ's school to make sure that your plan offers adequate coverage. Renters Insurance If your child is living in school-sanctioned housing or in an off-campus apartment, you need insurance to make sure that their personal belongings are protected. This is why itâ's so vital to have the right renters insurance in place. Not only will renters insurance offer compensation in the event that your personal possessions are damaged or stolen, but it will also offer coverage in the event of a personal liability issues. This means that your child would be covered if someone injured themselves while in their dorm or rental space. Auto Insurance If your student is planning on taking their car to campus with them, then itâ's vital that they have the right auto coverages in place. If your child is attending school in state, they will likely be covered under your existing car insurance policy. However, if they are attending school out-of-state or if they meet a certain set of conditions, they may need to secure their own policy. Be sure to speak to your insurer to find out how best to insure your college driver. These are the essential coverages that your college student cannot afford to overlook. Looking for assistance with your health, renters, or auto insurance in Oakland, California? For help finding the right policies, contact the professionals at Cook, Disharoon & Greathouse, Inc. Located in Oakland & Pleasant Hill, California, we serve all your personal and commercial insurance needs.