If you own an automobile, vehicle insurance is a must to protect yourself, your loved ones and your vehicle investment. Your choice of coverage will depend on your individual need. If youâ're a frequent traveler with a long history of being on the road, you may find mechanical breakdown protection a valuable addition to your auto insurance coverage.
Mechanical breakdown insurance, aka Extended Warranty, will help cover the cost of vehicle repair due to breakdowns on the road. You can choose from a number of coverage plans ranging from minor repairs to comprehensive repairs that include all electrical and mechanical car components. Your policy will protect you long after the warranty on these parts has expired.
Extended warranty coverage also provides you with such benefits as 24 hour road assist, rental car assist, tire protection, trip interruption and more. Due to having nationwide protection, you can choose any licensed auto repair shop in the country to complete your repairs.
Whether you drive a new vehicle or one that is used, mechanical breakdown coverage can be a tremendous asset to your auto. For more information on vehicle coverage options in California, contact our insurance specialists at
Cook, Disharoon & Greathouse.