The latest about congressional regulations for self-driving cars.
With advancing technology comes the possibility of driverless vehicles. Major car companies have big plans in the works when it comes to producing driverless cars, and major companies like Google to Uber have expressed interest in using such types of cars. However, when it comes to vehicle regulations, such plans have met push back. Congress, however, has started to discuss plans to aid in helping self-driving cars hit the roads. Find out what sorts of legislation could help to make autonomous cars a reality.
No Driver, No Problem.
Current legislation requires that a driver be in the car. Additionally, regulations require that vehicles have certain features such as a steering wheel and gas and brake pedals. However, the latest technology doesnâ't require these sorts of things. Possible legislation could change these requirements to make way for driverless cars.
Defining Autonomous Vehicles.
There are varying degrees of autonomous vehicles. Some are partially autonomous while others are entirely autonomous. These types of categories can hinder the testing process when it comes to driverless cars. More legislation can help to define the difference so that testing can move forward.
Federal vs. State Legislature.
Establishing federal standards for testing has implications for testing driverless cars nationally as set guidelines will be in place. However, per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), individual states can make their own laws when it comes to self-driving cars.
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