
Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

Apr 23, 2014

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Protect Yourself from Identity Theft Protect Yourself from Identity Theft

Identity theft is a growing problem as more people rely on electronic banking and forms of payment. While laws exist to keep consumers from having to pay for false charges on credit and debit cards, victims of identity theft still have to clean up the mess that identity thieves made of their financial lives.

To protect yourself from identity theft, use the following tips:

1. Keep private information in a safe or locked file. This includes your Social Security number, bank account information, tax returns, and any passwords to online accounts. Sadly, many identity thieves are friends, employees, and relatives of the victim, so be proactive in protecting your information.

2. Always verify that websites are valid before entering account numbers and passwords. Learn the signs of e-mail scams, and never click on e-mail links. Rather, type the website address directly in the browser bar.

3. Buy and use a shredder to shred unwanted credit card applications that come in the mail, as well as credit card checks that come with your monthly card statement. Contact these companies and ask that such things be no longer sent to you.

4. If a business requests your Social Security number, ask why it is important that they have it. Try to avoid giving that information to anyone unless it is absolutely necessary.

5. Always go over your bank statements and credit card statements. Report any unauthorized charge, no matter how small.

If you have questions about insurance coverage, contact Cook, Disharoon & Greathouse in Oakland, California.

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