
Get Ready for El Niño with These Car Care Tips & Auto Insurance

Jan 11, 2016

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Get Ready for El Niño with These Car Care Tips & Auto Insurance Get Ready for El Niño with These Car Care Tips & Auto Insurance

Use your Oakland, CA auto insurance and these tips to get your car ready for El Niño.

At this point, experts are saying that our chances of avoiding a very wet El Niño are slim. In fact, they predict that the odds of California getting slammed by El Niño are at 95 percent! In other words, we can expect some – if not a lot of! – rain this winter. That means we need to be ready to drive in it. Stay safe on the roads during El Niño by using these car care tips and carrying good auto insurance. Test your tires. Youâ'll need to rely on your tires to keep your grip on the road, so make sure theyâ're up to the task! On a wet road, you need at least 6/32nd of an inch of tread depth. Test that by inserting a penny upside-down into your tread. If the top of your tread can't reach the top of Lincoln's head, you need new tires. Also, keep your tires properly inflated. Bolster your blades. Your windshield wipers should be able to clear water off your windows without any streaks or gaps. If your blades arenâ't doing a top-notch job, itâ's time for new ones! You can get affordable wipers and install them yourself, so thereâ's no reason to put off this car maintenance task. Look at lights. Make sure you give yourself the best visibility possible by testing your headlights. Look to see that theyâ're clear and bright. While youâ're at it, check your brake lights. Not having properly functioning lights can be catastrophic when wet roads already make stopping difficult for the vehicle behind you! In addition to these tips, you need great California auto insurance coverage to protect you if you do end up facing an accident on a rainy roadway. To get the policy you need, contact Cook, Disharoon & Greathouse Insurance in Oakland today!
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