
The History Of Earth Day

Apr 17, 2015

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The History Of Earth Day The History Of Earth Day
A Look At How This Celebration Grew Roots Earth Day is just around the corner. April 22nd gives you and your family the opportunity to take a look at your environmental impact, minimize it, and maybe even give back to the earth in a meaningful way. Whether you decide to plant a tree or not on Earth Day, you may be wondering about its roots. To clear that up, here is a brief history of the holiday. The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22nd in 1970. On that day, the Environmental Teach-In organized a day of activism and education that went nationwide and was called Earth Day. Spearheaded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson to show other politicians that the public cared deeply about environmental issues, the event was a huge success. 20 million people showed support for these important issues on that day in 1970, and American politics has shifted towards environmental awareness ever since. Based off Earth Dayâ's success and show of support, the Environmental Protection Agency was created and the Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Clean Water Act were all passed. Following that event in 1970, communities all across the United States continued to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd. With a general call to “think globally and act locally,” Americans gather each spring to spread awareness about environmental issues, share tips about their own conservation practices, celebrate all that the earth gives us, and ultimately refocus their attention on caring for the earth. Happy Earth Day! In the same way the earth breathes and grows, you deserve to have insurance coverage that will grow with your family. To get that kind of protection with great service to go with it, contact Cook, Disharoon & Greathouse today. Our Oakland team is committed to protecting you, your family, and your assets. To get the best California coverage, call us today!
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